"Life is made up of small pleasures. Happiness is made up of those tiny successes. The big ones come too infrequently. And if you don't collect all these tiny successes, the big ones don't really mean anything." Norman Lear
There are times when I just want to complain and be contrary just because. These are times when I lose sight of things that I have and things I should be grateful for. I could call it the "Why don't I have this Syndrome." We all get these thoughts at some point or another. Still there is a way to get past these unpleasant thoughts.
I am not saying it is not okay to dream. You should aim, dream, and wish for things to get better. You may and should have goals and plans to reach those dreams. The greatest achievements to have ever happened began with a dream.You have to work for the dreams to become reality though. A house just doesn't build itself all on its own. You have to have wood, screws, nails, and the correct tools. Too many people get caught up in wanting everything all at once forgetting that you have to get the little things first. It is also essential that you exercise faith. Faith in God and in yourself. Life just doesn't hand you things.
My thing is sometimes I get so caught up in the big things that I have, and wish to have, that I believe will make me happy, I forget sometimes the little things. I have mentioned many of these things before, but it is beneficial for a reminder. So here is a list of a few little things that make up big things, but without these little things the big things wouldn't have come to fruition.
1. I am happy that I have all my fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes, ears, nose etc that allow me to function. My body is a fantastic piece of God's work and creation. I know God loves me because he created this beautiful body for me to take care of. With this body, I can live life and make choices. This is a huge deal.
2. I am happy for time with family and friends. I come from an awesome family. I married into an awesome family. Hubs is a wonderful person who loves and cares for me. I have wonderful brothers and sisters, and they have done and do so much for me. My dearest friends are also part of my family. The friend I've had since I was three, you know who you are. My Facebook friends, a diverse bunch of individuals. All of you hold a special place.
3. I appreciate being appreciated. There are people who smile at me everyday, and truly mean their "Good morning!" One gentleman in particular compliments me on my smile, and indulges me in saying that it makes his entire day. And on days when I am feeling particularly down about myself, my supervisor doesn't even realize that her cheerful "Good morning beautiful." raises my self-esteem that day.
4. Hearing our children sing on Sunday during singing time is so great. The young kids don't even realize that they bring in the Holy Spirit like no adult can by their sweet voices. There is one song in particular that is my favorite to hear them sing. It is called "I know that My Savior Loves Me." A couple of weeks ago all the adults, myself included, were in tears as our sweet kids sang their precious hearts out. It was part of the primary theme several years back, but the song really touches me. I listened to several renditions and this family choir won the coin toss. It is such a beautiful song with a beautiful message.
5. Like the song says, I know that my savior loves me. I am happy my savior loves me. He doesn't love all the mistakes I make, but He loves me because I am His sister. Heavenly Father loves me because I am His daughter. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son." In turn his son loved us that he suffered in the garden and died on the cross for me, for you, for everyone. Jesus loves me. This makes me happy.
Now these are just a few things in my life that I love. I may not have the greatest, or most glamorous life. I don't live in a big house or even a new house. There are so many things and people that I am surrounded by that make me feel all cozy inside. For this I am truly grateful. To repeat myself, it is all these little things that build the foundation to our mansion of happiness.
1. I am happy that I have all my fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes, ears, nose etc that allow me to function. My body is a fantastic piece of God's work and creation. I know God loves me because he created this beautiful body for me to take care of. With this body, I can live life and make choices. This is a huge deal.
2. I am happy for time with family and friends. I come from an awesome family. I married into an awesome family. Hubs is a wonderful person who loves and cares for me. I have wonderful brothers and sisters, and they have done and do so much for me. My dearest friends are also part of my family. The friend I've had since I was three, you know who you are. My Facebook friends, a diverse bunch of individuals. All of you hold a special place.
3. I appreciate being appreciated. There are people who smile at me everyday, and truly mean their "Good morning!" One gentleman in particular compliments me on my smile, and indulges me in saying that it makes his entire day. And on days when I am feeling particularly down about myself, my supervisor doesn't even realize that her cheerful "Good morning beautiful." raises my self-esteem that day.
4. Hearing our children sing on Sunday during singing time is so great. The young kids don't even realize that they bring in the Holy Spirit like no adult can by their sweet voices. There is one song in particular that is my favorite to hear them sing. It is called "I know that My Savior Loves Me." A couple of weeks ago all the adults, myself included, were in tears as our sweet kids sang their precious hearts out. It was part of the primary theme several years back, but the song really touches me. I listened to several renditions and this family choir won the coin toss. It is such a beautiful song with a beautiful message.
5. Like the song says, I know that my savior loves me. I am happy my savior loves me. He doesn't love all the mistakes I make, but He loves me because I am His sister. Heavenly Father loves me because I am His daughter. "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son." In turn his son loved us that he suffered in the garden and died on the cross for me, for you, for everyone. Jesus loves me. This makes me happy.
Now these are just a few things in my life that I love. I may not have the greatest, or most glamorous life. I don't live in a big house or even a new house. There are so many things and people that I am surrounded by that make me feel all cozy inside. For this I am truly grateful. To repeat myself, it is all these little things that build the foundation to our mansion of happiness.