Sunday, December 6, 2015

Christmas Lights!

It's so beautiful! Who needs music and a light show?

One of my favoritist traditions growing up was driving around the streets of my hometown at night as a family to look at Christmas lights. They were all so beautiful. Lights of different colors, lights of the same color, net lights in bushes and or trees, lights in the form of a star or words, icicle lights, lights that blinked, lights that were set to music, etc. I loved, and still love, them all. I also love lights on the trees, and I don't know what kid (and grownup) doesn't enjoy laying underneath the tree to see all the sparkles and lights from underneath.

This past week has been Hubs and mine decorating week. I decked my hall inside, and Hubs decked the house outside. We have only lived here for not quite a year, and so our decorations are few, but it doesn't matter because they are special to us. I think our house turned out quite good.

You can't see my shelf with the nativity very well, but it's there.
Aren't they nice? (see above picture) It's not fancy, but I love it. It is perfect. When I first saw the lights lit up outside, I almost started crying because a prayer of mine was answered. For the first time since we lived here, I felt like I was home. I felt for certain that this was where we are supposed to be. Hubs and I have been truly blessed. I love going to work now. Hubs has been successful at his job and finally feels like he's on the way to where he wants to be. Just in that moment (and I have been on a high since) I felt happy and at peace.
Happiness and peace are what Christmas should be about. Christ is the Prince of Peace, and He does bring joy. Like I mentioned in the last post, the angel and angels proclaimed joy, glad tidings, and peace to all. Lots of warm and fuzzies. I love Christmas. I love Christ, and I don't care if a bunch of the traditions have pagan roots. For the most part all of it was started to celebrate Christ and the miracle of His birth. To top it off for a perfect weekend, Hubs and I enjoyed the LDS First Presidency's Christmas Devotional. Now it truly feels like Christmas, and I feel happy.

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